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뉴질랜드 전문가: 이홍지 ‘성명’이 ‘천안문분신자살’ 촉매제 역할

2015-09-17 기원 하 다:Kaiwind

【개풍망 2015 1 27일 소식, 통신원:서려】 2001 1 23, 중국의 최대 명절인 섣달 그믐날, 왕진동(进东), 학혜군(郝惠君), 진과() 7명의 하남성 법륜공 수련자들이 천안문광장에서 분신자살을 자행하여 두 사람이 숨지고 세 사람이 다치는 심각한 결과를 빚었다. 최근 장기간동안 사교, 극단 종교와 전향상태 연구에 종사해 온 뉴질랜드 매시대학교 뉴스 전파와 마케팅학과 고급 강사 Heather Kavan박사가 개풍망 기자와의 인터뷰에서 법륜공의 교의에 첨예한 침략성이 있고 이홍지의 설법 두 단락이 신도들의 분신자살을 사주했으며 이에 대해 우리는 피해자를 동정해야 한다고 지적했다.  

Heather Kavan박사는 뉴질랜드 매시대학교 뉴스전파와 마케팅 학과의 고급 강사이며 /‘사교/’, 극단 종교와 전향상태 연구에 주력해 왔고 1999 5월부터 2005 6월까지의 오스트레일리아와 뉴질랜드 신문에 게재된 법륜공 관련 500여 편의 글을 전부 읽고 1년 남짓하게 법륜공 수련자들과 함께 수련하며 실천경험을 쌓았다. 2005년 뉴질랜드 멜버른 “미디어, 종교와 문화 최신연구” 태즈먼해연구세미나에 참석하여 <법륜공과 뉴질랜드의 법륜공 평면 미디어 보도>http://www.kaiwind.com/ckxx/ywcz/201002/26/t20100226_822322.htm)란 글을 발표했으며 이에 기초하여 2008년에 <미디어속의 법륜공을 믿을 수 있는가>http://www.kaiwind.com/ckxx/ywcz/201001/t105189.htm)를 완성했다.  

하기는 개풍망 인터뷰에 응한 Heather Kavan박사의 답변이다.  

Heather Kavan박사  

: 2001123일의 천안문광장분신자살 사건을 아십니까? 어떻게 생각하고 계십니까?  

: 천안문광장 분신자살사건에 대해 논쟁이 많습니다. 우리는 분신자살 당시 그들의 생각을 완전히 이해할 수 없을 것입니다. 이 사건이 2001년 각국 뉴스에 올랐는데 1 23일 당일, 법륜공 성원들이 천안문광장에서 벌인 항의가 절정에 달해 한 남성과 두 모녀 팀이 분신자살을 벌였습니다. 이홍지의 추종자들인 듯 한데 그들의 정신수련을 단속하는 정부에 대한 항의였습니다. 결국 왕진동, 진과와 그의 어머니 학혜군 등 3명이 살아 남았습니다.  

: 사건 발생 후 당사자인 왕진동이 자신이 법륜공 교의의 사주로 분신자살을 자행한 전 과정을 상세하게 털어놓았지만 법륜공은 이들이 법륜공 수련자임을 승인하지 않았습니다. 그 원인이 뭐라고 생각합니까?  

: 여러 명의 법륜공 인원과 이야기를 나눠봤는데 그들은 분신자살인원이 절대 법륜공 조직에 속하는 사람들이 아니라고 확신하는 것 같았습니다. 그들이 이토록 단호할 수 있는 데는 그때 법륜공에서 곳곳에 전파한 동영상이 있는데 동영상MC가 중국정부에서 이 모든 것을 총책하고 법륜공을 실추시키려 했다고 시사했기 때문이라고 생각합니다. 사건 발생 후 생존자와 조직자가 미국과 중국 기자들 앞에서 그들이 법륜공 성원이고 이홍지의 교의의 사주로 자행했다고 말했지만 일부 법륜공 성원들은 그 인터뷰 내용을 믿지 않았습니다. 저 개인의 견해는 분신자살을 자행한 그들이 법륜공 단체 소속이냐 아니냐가 중요한 것이 아니라 그들이 당시 무엇을 신앙했느냐에 관계없이, 그들 모두가 고난을 겪은 사람들이고 모두 우리가 동정할만한 상대라는 것이 중요하다고 생각합니다/…/…  

: 작고하신 사교문제 연구전문가 마가렛 탈러 싱어(Margaret Thaler Singer)가 생전에 자신이 찾을 수 있는 이홍지 언론에 관련된 모든 영문 번역판을 읽고 그리고 일부 법륜공 성원과 가족들과의 담화를 통해 이홍지가 일반적인 신체 단련 방식만을 채용했음을 알았다고 합니다. 이를테면 태극권과 호흡연습 등인데, 그는 이런 것들을 내세워 사람들을 법륜공에 끌어 들이고 계속 그들을 잘못된 길로 유도하여 그의 말을 믿고 법륜공에 가입하면 남 다르다는 것을 믿도록 만들었습니다. 전에 법륜공의 교의를 보신 적 있으십니까? 법륜공의 교의에서 어떤 내용이 법륜공 수련자들의 유사한 자해행위를 불러왔다고 생각합니까?  

: 이홍지의 교의를 읽어 보았는데 다른 정신수령의 교의에 비교하면 그의 기본 관념이 훨씬 침략적이고 첨예했습니다. 많은 장절에서 순교행위를 지지했고 그 중에서도 특별히 두 성명이 분신자살에 중요한 사주 역할을 했을 수도 있다고 봅니다. 이를테면 촉매제와 같은 역할 말입니다. 분신자살사건 발생 몇 주 전 이홍지가 태도 애매한 성명을 발표했는데 <더는 참을래야 참을 수 없다>란 성명에서 그는 신도들에게 교의에서 말하는 인()을 차치하고 “부동한 층차의 각종 방식으로”사악을 제지하고 제거해야 한다고 말했습니다. 그리고 분신자살사건 발생 반년 전에 발표한 <최후의 집착을 제거하자>란 성명에서 이홍지는 최후의 집착(인체에 대한 집착을 포함)을 내려놓을 때가 되었고 생사를 내려놓을 때가 되었다고 알렸습니다.  

: 천안문 분신자살 사건에서 법륜공의 이런 사주가 수련자의 인권을 침해했다고 봅니까?  

: 모든 형식의 고압 강제는 종교든 정치든 막론하고 다 인권에 대한 침해입니다. 교조(教条)란 예로부터 사람을 통제하는 일종의 방식입니다. 착하고 진지한 사람들은 아주 쉽게 이런 종교 교조에 빠져듭니다. 기존의 과학지식으로는 풀이할 수 없는 의미를 탐구하고자 하는 것이 인간의 천성이기 때문입니다. 어느 누구를 막론하고 모두 심층 답을 찾아 자신을 만족시킬 권리가 있다고 생각됩니다. 그렇지만 교주가 신도들에게 그들 영성의 길만이 유일하게 정확한 길이고 이 길을 따르지 않는 사람은 하등인이라고 말한다면 문제가 생기는 법입니다. 이런 신앙은 의심과 폭력을 초래할 수 밖에 없습니다.  

: 천안문분신자살사건이 사교신도가 집단 분신자살을 자행한 유일한 사례가 아닙니다. 2013 8 22, 세 명의 일본계 통일교 신도가 한국 경기도 가평군에서 분신자살을 벌여 한 명이 그자리에서 숨졌고 두 명이 중태에 빠졌습니다. 만약 당신의 나라에서 유사한 사교성원의 분신자살사건이 발생했다면 국가 법률에 따라 어떻게 처리될 것입니까?  

: 제가 살고 있는 뉴질랜드는 종래로 종교와 관련된 분신자살사건이 발생하지 않았습니다. 분신자살을 하는 수련은 대부분 불교와 관련되기 때문입니다. 동서고금으로 당사자들은 분신자살을 사회불공평에 대한 궁극적인 항의방식으로 간주해왔습니다. 그런데 아동이 말려든다면 일이 전반적으로 절대 황당하게 번지는 것입니다. 어른이 조종한 게 분명하기 때문입니다.  

: 인터넷 웹 사이트가 이미 사교를 전파하는 중요 경로의 하나로 되고 있는데 인터넷 웹 사이트를 통한 반()사교 교육에 대해 어떤 건의나 의견이 있습니까?  

: 현재 극히 소부분의 극단적인 법륜공 성원이 인터넷을 점거하고 있는 듯 한데 그들을 완전 무시해도 무방하다고 생각합니다. 논쟁의 쌍방, 다시 말해서 법륜공과 중국 정부의 대다수 사람들은 평화를 희망한다고 봅니다. 14년이 넘도록 분신자살의 동기와 그 개인 신분에 대한 논쟁이 끊기지 않고 되풀이 되며 사람들을 피곤하게 굴고 있습니다. 평화와 단합의  방향으로 돌린다면 좋은 일일 것 같습니다. “당신이 한 사람의 이야기를 안다면 영원히 그들을 심판하지 않을 것이다”란 좋은 격언이 있는데 이것이 분신자살 주년 기념일에 가장 적합한 말입니다.  

Heather Kavan two documents play an especially important role as catalysts to the self-immolation  

(Kaiwind.com) On the day of Chinese New Year Eve, January 23, 2001, seven Falun Gong followers from Henan province, including Wang Jindong, Hao Huijun and her daughter Chen Guo, staged a self-immolation in Tian'anmen Square, which led to two dead and three seriously burnt. Fourteen years passed, and this incident has been a more representative of how dangerous cult can destroy its followers/’ lives, which are be studied thoroughly by cult research institutions and experts around the world. To mark the 14th anniversary of the tragedy, Dr Heather Kavan was interviewed by Facts.org.cn about the tragedy and other issues related to cults who carry out such actions.  


Dr Heather KavanSenior Lecturer, School of Communication, Journalism & Marketing, Massey University, New Zealand, the investigator of religions, cults and /‘altered states/’.  

1.       Do you know the self-immolation incident at Tiananmen Square on January 23, 2001? What do you know about the incident?   

The self-immolations at Tiananmen Square were controversial, and we may never fully understand what went through the people/’s minds as they set themselves on fire. The incidents were in the international news in 2001. In January 23 of that year, at the height of Falun Gong protests in Tiananmen Square, a man and two mother-daughter pairs burnt themselves alive. They appeared to be followers of Li Hongzhi, protesting the Government/’s ban on their spiritual practices. Three survived /– Wang Jindong, Chen Guo and her mother Hao Huijun.  

2.       After the incident, a self-immolator Wang Jindong elaborated how he was instigated by teachings of Falun Gong to commit self-immolation. But Falun Gong denied that the self-immolators are practitioners of Falun Gong. What do you think is the reason for Falun Gong/’s denial?   

The members I spoke to seemed genuine in their belief that the self-immolators were not Falun Gong members. I think this was because there was a video circulating widely after the incidents, in which the commentator suggested the Chinese Government staged the attacks to discredit Falun Gong. Since that time, the survivors and organisers have told American and Chinese journalists that they were Falun Gong members and were inspired by Li/’s teachings. However, some Falun Gong members dispute the interviews.  Personally, I think dwelling on whether or not the self-immolators were Falun Gong members misses the point /– regardless of what they believed at the time, they are human beings who suffered terribly, and they deserve our empathy.     

3.       Margaret Thaler Singer, a late cult expert, said she had read all available teachings of Li Hongzhi that had been translated into English. Through these readings and talks with Falun Gong practitioners and their family, she found out that Li Hongzhi just taught some common methods of physical exercise, such as Tai chi and breathing practice. He used these methods as pretence to attract followers. Then he led them astray, making them believe everything he said and believe that Falun Gong would make them different. Have you ever read any teachings of Falun Gong? Which part of the teachings do you think may lead practitioners to commit such kind of self-injuries?   

I/’ve read Li Hongzhi/’s teachings. They have a more aggressive and strident tone than the teachings of other spiritual leaders. There are many sections in them that support acts of martyrdom, and two documents may have played an especially important role as catalysts to the self-immolations. Weeks before the incidents, Li issued an ambiguous statement to followers entitled “Beyond the limits of forbearance” in which he told them they can set aside his teaching of forbearance and use “various measures at different levels” to eradicate evil. Also, in the six months leading up to the burnings, Li issued a statement called “Eliminate your last attachment” telling practitioners that the time had come to let go of the attachment to the physical body and to let go of life and death.   

4.       Do you think that Falun Gong/’s instigation infringed upon the human rights of its practitioners in the self-immolation incident?   

Any form of coercion, religious or political, infringes on people/’s human rights. Dogma has long been a way of manipulating people, and it/’s extremely easy for well-meaning, conscientious people to get caught up in religious dogma. This is because it/’s human nature to search for meaning beyond the limitations of current scientific knowledge. In my opinion, everyone has the right to look for answers that satisfy them at a deep level.  But problems arise when leaders tell people that their spiritual path is the only correct one and those who do not follow it are inferior. This belief inevitably leads to mistrust and often to violence.   

5.       The self-immolation incident in Tiananmen Square is not the only case of group self-immolation committed by cult members. On August 22, 2013, three Japanese members of the Unification Church set fire to themselves in Gapyeong in South Korea. One person died in the self-immolation incident and two got fatally injured. According to laws in your country, what should the government do to deal with such kind of self-immolation committed by cult members?  

There have not been any cases of religiously-motivated self-immolations in New Zealand where I live, as the practice is most closely associated with Buddhism. Traditionally, self-immolation has been a way of making the ultimate protest against a society the self-immolator believes is unjust. When a child is involved, the situation is extremely challenging because it/’s clear an adult has manipulated him or her.    

6.       Internet has become an important platform for cults to spread their teachings. Do you have any suggestions or advice on combating cults via Internet?   

Currently, a minority of more extreme Falun Gong members seem to be predominating on the internet. I think they are best ignored. I believe the vast majority of people on both sides of the conflict between Falun Gong and the Chinese government want peace. Now that fourteen years have elapsed, and arguments over the motives and identities of the self-immolators have been replayed exhaustively, it would be good to see a shift towards peace and unity. There/’s a well-known adage, “If you knew a person/’s story, you would never judge them.” That/’s an appropriate saying for the anniversary of the self-immolations.    

Hi Cathy  

Sorry for taking so long to get back to you about the interview regarding the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square self-immolations.  I/’ve written some answer to the questions. I hope it/’s not too late for you.    

1.       Do you know the self-immolation incident at Tiananmen Square on January 23, 2001? What do you know about the incident?   

The self-immolations at Tiananmen Square were controversial, and we may never fully understand what went through the people/’s minds as they set themselves on fire. The incidents were in the international news in 2001. In January 23 of that year, at the height of Falun Gong protests in Tiananmen Square, a man and two mother-daughter pairs burnt themselves alive. They appeared to be followers of Li Hongzhi, protesting the Government/’s ban on their spiritual practices. Three survived /– Wang Jindong, Chen Guo and her mother Hao Huijun.  

2.       After the incident, a self-immolator Wang Jindong elaborated how he was instigated by teachings of Falun Gong to commit self-immolation. But Falun Gong denied that the self-immolators are practitioners of Falun Gong. What do you think is the reason for Falun Gong/’s denial?   

The members I spoke to seemed genuine in their belief that the self-immolators were not Falun Gong members. I think this was because there was a video circulating widely after the incidents, in which the commentator suggested the Chinese Government staged the attacks to discredit Falun Gong. Since that time, the survivors and organisers have told American and Chinese journalists that they were Falun Gong members and were inspired by Li/’s teachings. However, some Falun Gong members dispute the interviews.  Personally, I think dwelling on whether or not the self-immolators were Falun Gong members misses the point /– regardless of what they believed at the time, they are human beings who suffered terribly, and they deserve our empathy.     

3.       Margaret Thaler Singer, a late cult expert, said she had read all available teachings of Li Hongzhi that had been translated into English. Through these readings and talks with Falun Gong practitioners and their family, she found out that Li Hongzhi just taught some common methods of physical exercise, such as Tai chi and breathing practice. He used these methods as pretence to attract followers. Then he led them astray, making them believe everything he said and believe that Falun Gong would make them different. Have you ever read any teachings of Falun Gong? Which part of the teachings do you think may lead practitioners to commit such kind of self-injuries?   

I/’ve read Li Hongzhi/’s teachings. They have a more aggressive and strident tone than the teachings of other spiritual leaders. There are many sections in them that support acts of martyrdom, and two documents may have played an especially important role as catalysts to the self-immolations. Weeks before the incidents, Li issued an ambiguous statement to followers entitled “Beyond the limits of forbearance” in which he told them they can set aside his teaching of forbearance and use “various measures at different levels” to eradicate evil. Also, in the six months leading up to the burnings, Li issued a statement called “Eliminate your last attachment” telling practitioners that the time had come to let go of the attachment to the physical body and to let go of life and death.   

4.       Do you think that Falun Gong/’s instigation infringed upon the human rights of its practitioners in the self-immolation incident?   

Any form of coercion, religious or political, infringes on people/’s human rights. Dogma has long been a way of manipulating people, and it/’s extremely easy for well-meaning, conscientious people to get caught up in religious dogma. This is because it/’s human nature to search for meaning beyond the limitations of current scientific knowledge. In my opinion, everyone has the right to look for answers that satisfy them at a deep level.  But problems arise when leaders tell people that their spiritual path is the only correct one and those who do not follow it are inferior. This belief inevitably leads to mistrust and often to violence.   

5.       The self-immolation incident in Tiananmen Square is not the only case of group self-immolation committed by cult members. On August 22, 2013, three Japanese members of the Unification Church set fire to themselves in Gapyeong in South Korea. One person died in the self-immolation incident and two got fatally injured. According to laws in your country, what should the government do to deal with such kind of self-immolation committed by cult members?  

There have not been any cases of religiously-motivated self-immolations in New Zealand where I live, as the practice is most closely associated with Buddhism. Traditionally, self-immolation has been a way of making the ultimate protest against a society the self-immolator believes is unjust. When a child is involved, the situation is extremely challenging because it/’s clear an adult has manipulated him or her.    

6.       Internet has become an important platform for cults to spread their teachings. Do you have any suggestions or advice on combating cults via Internet?   

Currently, a minority of more extreme Falun Gong members seem to be predominating on the internet. I think they are best ignored. I believe the vast majority of people on both sides of the conflict between Falun Gong and the Chinese government want peace. Now that fourteen years have elapsed, and arguments over the motives and identities of the self-immolators have been replayed exhaustively, it would be good to see a shift towards peace and unity. There/’s a well-known adage, “If you knew a person/’s story, you would never judge them.” That/’s an appropriate saying for the anniversary of the self-immolations.         
